
We’ve put together a handy guide to help you with your market experience!

Site maps and bump-in information will be sent via email the week of the event. You will be allocated a specific time to bump-in. 

For the stalls inside we have some very important new changes to how you can setup.

Set up will be from 6:00am Saturday the [day of the market] . You can drive your vehicle in via Wynnum Rd driveway, set down your artwork and then drive out to park in the surrounding streets. NO parking on site - this will leave the carpark free for customers.

From 1:45pm you can drive your vehicle in via Wynnum Rd Driveway, pick up artwork and then please drive out safely.  


Inside Artists

Table and Display Stand
You will find your name labelled on your allocated table. Volunteers will also be there for assistance. The inside cost includes one supplied indoor trestle table 180x75x75cm (see diagram) and chairs are available.

Only one table per artist, one easel or one display stand (90cm in length) supplied by artist and only one hanging space on wall - wire hangings supplied by SSAM (see diagram).

No groups or sharing tables.

Artists must be behind table. Artists must configure their stall according to the diagram.

Inside Space Wall Hangings
There is one hanging spot in the hall per artists. You will be made aware of your allocated wall space. Please hand the painting (with hanging wire) to a volunteer who will be in charge of hanging. Don’t forget to bring your label for that artwork so customers can find you in the hall.

Image of SSAM’s hanging wires

Image of SSAM’s hanging wires

Diagram for inside space

Diagram for inside space


Outside Artists

You must supply your own tables, chair and 3mx3m marquee plus 4 sandbags/weights of 10kg each. You can have your marquee set up however you like within your allocated space. 

Marquee Recommendations
If you only have water weights please fill them at home before coming to the market, as we have very limited access to water ( we encourage sandbags) Pegs are not accepted.

We also recommend bringing some sort of matting to cover your floor area, as it may be dusty/wet under foot. Please bring all types of weights to secure your artwork on the table plus ties, to attach your paintings to, weighted down easels. Unexpected wind gusts can wreak havoc for the unprepared.

If it is safe to do so, we go ahead with the market under most weather conditions. Please have plastic sheets to cover your work and rainproof sides for your marquee handy.

Handy Hints
Try not to bring too many large pieces as they may not be able to be accommodated. 

Bring a box of BluTac, Tape, Cable-Ties, Scissors, cardboard (useful to level table out if on uneven ground).

Sometimes over-stocking your stall can hinder sales, causing a visually overwhelming view for customers.

Printable Checklist Here!